DAV wants to recognize companies who make an effort to recruit, hire and retain veterans. Please provide information about how you accomplish those goals, your total number of veteran and disabled veteran employees (if known), goals you’ve established and the percentage of total employees and new hires with prior military experience. Feel free to provide any applicable information or even links to stories or digital efforts. Attachments may be uploaded below.
How do you engage veteran employees, build a sense of community in your company and develop a career path for future success? (Please provide information on training programs, resource groups, materials and other efforts that promote growth and retention for veterans. Attachments may be uploaded below.)
What outreach efforts do you participate in to support veterans within the communities where you work? (Do you celebrate Veterans Day in the workplace and with your customers? Do you engage in volunteer or fundraising activities benefiting veterans?)
Is there anything else noteworthy you want to share about how you engage, recruit or promote veterans?